Thursday, June 7, 2007

Day one

This is the first post of the first day.
Not sure of just what to say.
Thanks for visiting til another day.


toni said...

Am I the first person to leave a comment on your blog? I am honored indeed. I really like the painting of the little lily. Very tender and well done. By the way, where did the name Salamander come from? Is it from the oil by the same name? Also which recipe are you using for your gesso?
Congratulations on this site.....I will add it to my favorites so we can keep in touch.

salamander said...

Thanks for commenting and you. My gouache recipe is pretty much just a traditional recipe. marble dust or whiting and rsg.
"Salamander", well in mythology it is a creature of the fire and in the animal kingdom is of the water so I thought it fitting for my media and I. Also I raised them for a time years ago and have an affinity to them. My late son was into them as well. I have never heared of the oil by that name.
-warmly, Eric